KidRoots Children's Program

nurturing, high quality childcare

Providing a nurturing, high quality childcare and learning environment that enriches each unique individual holistically through partnership with families.

The KidRoots’ team provides on-site childcare to support all YRO programs and services. On-site childcare means that parents have to stay on-site at all times while their child is in care. This gives space for parents to access resources and opportunities for growth and self care.

Access Opportunities for Growth
Access opportunities for growth may look like utilizing the Family Hub space to work on high school or college academics, attend a ParentingRoots course, or have support filling out job applications while your child is being cared for by the KidRoots team.

Access to Resources
Access to resources may look like a parent scheduling to meet with their Family Advocate or a local agency helper at the Family Hub while their child is being cared for by the KidRoots team.

Access to Self Care
Access to self care may look like whatever you need it to look like for you as the parent to care for yourself within the comfortable Family Hub environment while your child is being cared for by the KidRoots team; for example, respite care may look like being with friends by hanging out with other parents, taking a nap, reading a book, paying bills or making those necessary phone calls. This time is open for you to have mental space to breathe, rest and rejuvenate so you can be the best parent you can be!

KidRoots Children’s Program is open Monday through Thursday 1pm-6pm.

Come join us for our Family Events happening every month!

Get Started

Have a question about this program?

Fill out our form and we’ll be in contact with you soon.

Catherine Weber
KidRoots Children’s Program Director

All communication will be replied to within 2 business days; Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

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