Young Roots Oregon is dedicated to creatively helping young families build healthy foundations

Make a Multi-Generational Impact

Your investment will make a multi-generational impact that truly gives a transformational future for us all!

Be Invested!

Be an Advocate

Being an advocate means sharing the mission with others in our community!

Be a Volunteer

Being a volunteer means taking another step to get involved, learning about how your giftings and talents could help benefit a family or the organization!

Be a Donor

Being a donor means to financially sustaining and supporting Young Roots Oregon in enabling the volunteers, staff and activities to keep up their crucial work with young families!

A Youth Development Study done by the Search Institute found that for every dollar invested in youth development, society saves $10 on costs down the road.

Supporting young families costs U.S. taxpayers between $9.4 and $28 billion a year through public assistance payments, lost tax revenue, and greater expenditures for public health care, foster care, and criminal justice services (U.S Health and Human Services). But the U.S. Department of Education Comprehensive Centers Program outlines that culturally specific social support and school-based programs are the proven way communities can help alleviate many problems associated with adolescent pregnancy and parenting.